AUGUST 17-22

The organizing committee is delighted to invite you to ACM SIGCOMM 2008, to be held at the Grand Hyatt Regency in Seattle, WA, USA between August 17-22, 2008. SIGCOMM is the flagship annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communications, a special interest group of the Association for Computing Machinery.

Note: Registration is close to the limit we can accommodate. We advise you to register online to ensure that you will be able to attend.


(Older news items available here, or you can subscribe to the news RSS feed here)

Important dates

Workshop proposals dueNovember 2, 2007 (Fri, 1700 PST)
Notification of Workshop AcceptanceNovember 30, 2007
Workshop Call for Papers dueDecember 15, 2007
Conference Paper Title and Abstract submissionJanuary 25, 2008 (Fri, 2359 PST)
Full Conference Paper submissionFebruary 1, 2008 (Fri, 2359 PST)
Tutorial proposals dueFebruary 7, 2008 (Fri, 1700 PST)
Notification of Tutorial AcceptanceFebruary 28, 2008
Notification of Conference Paper AcceptanceApril 30, 2008
Posters and Demos dueMay 2, 2008
Travel Grant applications dueMay 30, 2008
Camera-ready Conference Papers dueMay 30, 2008
Notification of Poster and Demo acceptanceMay 30, 2008
Camera-ready Tutorial slides dueEnd June, 2008
Cut-off for hotel reservationsJuly 15, 2008
Cut-off for early registrationJuly 25, 2008
ConferenceAugust 17-22, 2008
(download these dates as an iCalendar schedule)


General Chairs Victor Bahl Microsoft Research
  David Wetherall Intel / University of Washington
PC Chairs Stefan Savage UC San Diego
  Ion Stoica UC Berkeley
Workshop/Tutorial Chairs Suman Banerjee University of Wisconsin at Madison
  Alex Snoeren UC San Diego
Publicity Chair Yin Zhang University of Texas at Austin
Local Arrangements Chair Ratul Mahajan Microsoft Research
Poster/Demo Chair Dina Papagiannaki Intel Research
Industrial Support Chair (Asia/Pacific Region) Kenjiro Cho IIJ Research Laboratory
Travel Grant Chair Karen R. Sollins MIT
Conference Coordinator Jaudelice C. de Oliveira Drexel University
Web Chair Tristan Henderson University of St Andrews