ACM SIGCOMM 2018 Workshop on Mobile Edge Communications (MECOMM 2018)
Workshop Program
- Opening
9:30 am - 10:30 am Keynote
Speaker: Victror Bahl (Microsoft, USA)
Location: InterContinental, Panorama Room V
10:30 am - 11:00 am Tea/Coffee Break
Location: InterContinental, Pre-Function Area
- Tea/Coffee Break
- Session I: Edge Protocol Operations
11:00 am - 11:25 am CESSNA: Resilient Edge-Computing
Yotam Harchol, Aisha Mushtaq, James Murphy McCauley (Berkeley, USA), Aurojit Panda (NYU and ICSI, USA), Scott Shenker (Berkeley, USA)
11:25 pm - 11:50 am Anveshak: Placing Edge Servers In The Wild
Nitinder Mohan, Aleksandr Zavodovski, Pengyuan Zhou, Jussi Kangasharju (UH, Finland)
11:50 am - 12:15 pm Joint Allocation of Computing and Wireless Resources to Autonomous Devices in Mobile Edge Computing
Sladana Josilo, György Dán (KTH, Sweden)
12:40 pm - 2:00 pm Lunch Break
Location: InterContinental, Pre-Function Area
- Lunch Break
- Session II: Deployment Requirements
2:25 pm - 3:15 pm Panel and Open Discussion
Moderator: Ioannis Psaras (UCL, UK)
Location: InterContinental, Panorama Room V
Panelists: George Polyzos (AUEB, Greece), Dirk Kutscher (Huawei, Germany), Paulo Mendes (COPELABS, Portugal), Jussi Kangasharju (University of Helsinki, Finland)
3:15 pm - 3:45 pm Tea/Coffee Break
Location: InterContinental, Pre-Function Area
- Tea/Coffee Break
- Session III: Applications for Mobile Edge Computing
4:10 pm - 4:35 pm Edge Intelligence: On-Demand Deep Learning Model Co-Inference with Device-Edge Synergy
En Li, Zhi Zhou, Xu Chen (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
4:35 pm - 5:00 pm Edge-assisted Traffic Engineering and applications in the IoT
Nikos Fotiou, Dimitrios Mendrinos, George C. Polyzos (AUEB, Greece)
- Closing
Call for Papers
Future mobile networking aims to support ultra low latency, context-related service offering, personalised service delivery and highly flexible and efficient resource management. One of the key approaches to meet these targets focuses on the introduction of virtualized compute and storage resources at the edge of the network, having closer proximity to mobile subscribers. This approach has the potential to reduce end-to-end latency and time-to-response, while increasing the flexibility and agility of allocating resources. The Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) paradigm takes this approach to facilitate computation/storage capabilities at the edge, with a particular focus on their interaction with applications and services. In a similar fashion, virtualisation brings advantages related with the flexible realization and management of network and application functionality on top of virtualized compute, storage and network resources. As a consequence a new promising landscape is being shaped, where key capabilities of resource virtualization and programmability foster the emergence of intelligent solutions at the edge of the network.
At the same time, the prospect of MEC is set to change several of the standard assumptions we make about the Internet. For instance, in a distributed storage and compute architecture it is not clear who owns what and therefore, who to trust when making use of the edge storage and compute components. This is in contrast to today’s landscape, where a few big stakeholders dominate the “Public Cloud”. Although getting more stakeholders involved could be a positive development in terms of user privacy, it requires extra research in order to guarantee security and establish a trusted computing environment.
MECOMM 2018 solicits papers that address aspects of the above areas with a main focus on facilitating communication solutions that enable dynamic and flexible edge architectures through joining concepts of softwarization and virtualization paradigms. Our workshop encourages papers that address cross-layer research issues in any combination of these areas, bridging the gaps between network softwarization, virtualization and Cloud/Edge computing.
Topics of Interest
Topics of interest to MECOMM’18 include (but are not limited to):
- Inter-network resource management in future mobile networks
- Distributed Internet Infrastructure
- Function and service allocation in mobile edge networks
- Compute and process distribution models in mobile edge networks
- Content distribution models in mobile edge computing
- Application- and service-aware cloud models for mobile edge networks
- Algorithms and protocols to support the allocation of virtual resources
- Security challenges in mobile edge computing
- Service abstraction and orchestration
- QoS and traffic engineering in mobile edge networks networks
- Prototype platforms and trial deployment experience
- Data storage and networking in application- and/or service-aware cloud
- Next generation mobility architectures
- Distributed ledger technology and blockchain for mobile edge networking
- Management and orchestration across compute, storage and network resources in future mobile edge networks
- Content, function and result caching and replication in mobile edge networks
- QoE in mobile edge networks
- Theoretical and experimental evaluations of mobile edge computing
- Self-organisation in mobile edge networks
- Edge computing for constrained mobile networks
Submission Instructions
Submission implies the willingness of at least one author to attend the workshop and present the paper. Accepted papers will be included in the ACM SIGCOMM conference proceedings. Workshop organizers reserve the right to exclude a paper from distribution after the workshop if the paper is not presented at the conference. Submitted papers should contain original material that have not be previously published, nor currently submitted for consideration elsewhere. All submissions should be written in English, with a maximum length limit of 6 printed pages, including all the figures, references and appendices. The ACM SIGCOMM LaTeX and Microsoft Word templates, as well as related information, can be found at the ACM SIG Proceedings website.
Specifically, please note the following format requirements:
- All papers submitted will be peer-reviewed (single-blind) and evaluated based on their suitability (i.e., within the workshop scope), novelty, and merit.
- All papers must be submitted in Portable Document Format (PDF) electronically. Whatever text processor or formatter you use to write your paper (LaTeX, Microsoft Word, FrameMaker, etc.), please convert the output to PDF before submission.
- Submissions must be limited to 6 pages, single-spaced, double-column, with each column 9.25” by 3.33”, 0.33” space between columns, use at least a 10pt font, and be correctly formatted to be printed on letter-sized (8.5” by 11”) paper. Submissions that violate the formatting requirements may not be reviewed.
- We must be able to print your paper once it is submitted. Therefore, all fonts used in the paper MUST be embedded in the submitted PDF file.
- The paper must be in a state where it can be printed clearly on standard black-and-white printers. Reviewers are not required to view your paper in color.
Please submit your paper via
Authors Take Note
The official publication date is the date the proceedings are made available in the ACM Digital Library. This date may be up to TWO WEEKS prior to the first day of the conference. The official publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
Attendance of the workshop is by open registration and subject to the same registration fees and rules as all the other SIGCOMM 2018 workshops. The registrants of the workshop may freely attend any workshop on the same day.
Camera-ready instructions
For the final paper to be published, please refer to Camera-ready instructions for workshops.
Important Dates
August 20, 2018
Mid-June, 2018
List of organization details
Mid-June, 2018
Program available online
June 10, 2018
Camera-ready deadline
May 07, 2018Acceptance notification (extended)
April 03, 2018Paper submission deadline
- Program Committee Chairs
Ioannis Psaras
Kun Yang
Essex, UK
- Program Committee Members
Mohammed AL-Khalidi
Essex, UK
Mays AL-Naday
Essex, UK
Aruna Balasubramanian
Stony Brook, USA
Chadi Barakat
Inria, France
Aaron Yi Ding
TU Munich, Germany
Toru Hasegawa
Osaka U, Japan
Pan Hui
UH, Finland and HKUST, China
George Iosifidis
Trinity, Ireland
Konstantinos V. Katsaros
Intracom, Greece
Pekka Nikander
Aalto, Finland
Andrea Passarella
IIT-CNR, Italy
Ioannis Psaras
Martin Reed
Essex, UK
Janne Riihijärvi
RWTH, Germany
Stefan Schmid
Univie, Austria
Dirk Trossen
InterDigital, UK
Gareth Tyson
George Xylomenos
AUEB, Greece
Shingo Ata
Osaka U, Japan
- Steering Committee
Mays Al-Naday
Essex, UK
Jon Crowcroft
Cambridge, UK
George Polyzos
AUEB, Greece
Martin Reed
Essex, UK