Student Poster
This year, the SIGCOMM 2002 conference will sponsor a session aimed at showcasing the "work-in-progress" of students attending the conference. The goal of the poster session is to present students' current research and provide an opportunity for informal discussion of the work with the students at the conference venue. Topics of interest are the same as research topics in the SIGCOMM conference CFP.
Poster proposals should be emailed to by Monday, June 10, 2002, 9am EDT. This is a final date; no extensions will be granted.
The primary author(s) of the poster must be a student. Posters will be reviewed by members of the SIGCOMM Poster Session Committee and the authors of accepted posters will be notified by July 10. At the conference, posters must be presented by a student. Authors of accepted papers must not submit a poster of the work they present in the conference.
Why should you submit a poster?
This is a great chance for students to obtain interesting and valuable feedback on on-going research from a knowledgeable crowd at the conference. Furthermore, student authors of accepted posters will be given some preference for the SIGCOMM 2002 student travel grant awards.
What is a poster?
A poster is a 30" x 40" rectangular board on which you can affix visually appealing material that describes your research. How you use this is up to you: you may choose to print out several 8.5"x11" or A4 sheets of paper (e.g., paper copies of overheads) and "tile" the poster board with these pages. Or, you may choose to print a single large sheet of paper describing the work and attach that to the poster board. You may bring your own poster boards if you like. Several document companies like Kinko's produce professional-looking posters from material produced on software like Powerpoint; you may want to use such a facility.
You should prepare the best material (visually appealing and succinct) that effectively communicates your research problem, techniques, results, and what is novel and important about your work.
What, when, and where to submit?
If you are a student and are interested in this, then submit the following by June 10, 2002, 9am EDT by email to
- An ASCII text file describing the research to be presented in the poster, in 500 words or less. Include the title, authors, institutional affiliations and contact information, in addition to the 500 words. This should also include a URL, for further information, although that will not be considered in the evaluation of the submission. (See below why this is valuable.)
- A draft of the poster material (either multiple "tiles" or a single sheet of paper), in PDF or PostScript format. Include the title, authors, and institutional affiliations.
Send your submission in one email message with two attached parts. Other than PDF or Postscript of the poster, only submit ASCII. Only electronic submissions will be considered and only in these formats.
We will be distributing copies of the accepted text descriptions. At the conference, we will distribute the text descriptions in addition to the conference proceedings. Accepted poster authors will have a couple of weeks to revise their text prior to printing. We will reproduce one side of one page per poster. The URL will provide attendees with a further point of contact and any other information you would like. In addition, we will be including the text descriptions in a succeeding issue of CCR.
We will select between 15 and 30 of the most interesting and thought-provoking posters by July 10, 2002 and notify all contact authors. More details will be sent at that time.