Full conference registration includes Tuesday's evening reception, breaks, three lunches, one ticket for Wednesday's Social Event, and a copy of the conference proceedings. Student registration includes all of the above, except the Social Event. Please fill in the form below, then mark the appropriate conference and tutorial fees. Finally, add charges for extra tickerts to the Social Event. Rates are quoted in US Dollars.
Name: Name on Badge: ACM Membership #: Affiliation: Mailing Address: Telephone: Fax: Email: URL(WWW): Vegetarian Meals: Yes _____ No _____ Exclude my address from: SIGCOMM Email list ___ Attendee Lists ____ Please specify any additional special needs:
Early registration rates: before August 1,1995 Member Non-Member Student Conference $325___ $425___ $110___ Tutorials: MF-RJ $250___ $350___ $150___ MA-GV $175___ $225__ $110___ MP-MA $175___ $225___ $110___ MP-BD $175___ $225___ $110___ TF-PK $250___ $350___ $150___ TF-AL $250___ $350___ $150___ TA-HY $175___ $225___ $110___ TP-KK $175___ $225___ $110___ Late registration rates: after August 1,1995 Member Non-Member Student Conference $375___ $475___ $140___ Tutorials: MF-RJ $300___ $400___ $190___ MA-GV $225___ $275___ $140___ MP-MA $225___ $275___ $140___ MP-BD $225___ $275___ $140___ TF-PK $300___ $400___ $190___ TF-AL $300___ $400___ $190___ TA-HY $225___ $275___ $140___ TP-KK $225___ $275___ $140___
ACM Associate Member Dues $84 Add SIGCOMM to ACM Membership $19 ACM Student Dues $25 Add SIGCOMM to ACM Student Membership $12 SIGCOMM Membership only (non-ACM) $50 Total Membership Fees $ _____To advance the sciences and arts of information processing; to promote the free interchange of information about the sciences and arts of information processing both among specialists and among the public; and to develop and maintain the integrity and competence of individuals engaged in the practice of information processing. I hereby affirm that I subscribe to the purpose of ACM and understand that my membership is not transferable.
Social Event________ tickets @$60 per ticket =_________ (One ticket to this event is included with registration) Total(conference fees + tutorials + membership + social event)___________
Payment Method: Enclosed: Check ____ Purchase Order ____ Credit Card Type: (Only VISA or Mastercard, please) Credit Card Number: Exp. Date: Cardholder Name:____________________________ (Exactly as printed on the card) Signature:
SIGCOMM 95 Registration
The MITRE Corporation, MS: K331
202 Burlington Road, Bedford MA 01730-1420
Credit card payments also accepted via:
Fax: +1 617 271 2352
Email: sigcom95@mitre.org
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