Workshop on Future Directions in Network Architecture (FDNA-03)
Preliminary Workshop Program
Wednesday, August 27 |
Session 1: Motivation
- Addressing Reality: An Architectural Response to Demands on the Evolving Internet.
David Clark, Karen Sollins, John Wroclawski (MIT LCS), Ted Faber (USC ISI)
- Short Talks:
- A Real Options Framework Illustrating the Economic Value of the End-2-End Argument.
Mark Gaynor (Boston University), Scott Bradner (Harvard University)
- Peer-to-Peer Network Architectures: The Next Step (Harnessing the Symbiosis of Altruism and Selfishness).
Peter Triantafillou (University of Patras)
- Beyond Hosts and Routers: Some Architectural Principles for Future Mobile Networks
Robert Hancock (Siemens/Roke Manor Research, U.K.), Josef Urban (Siemens AG, Germany)
- Reconsidering the Wireless LAN Platform with Multiple Radios
Victor Bahl, Atul Adya, Jitender Padhye, Alec Wolman (Microsoft Research)
Session 2: New Abstractions
- Plutarch: An Argument for Network Pluralism.
Jon Crowcroft (University of Cambridge) Steven Hand (University of Cambridge), Richard Mortier (Microsoft Research UK), Timothy Roscoe (Intel Research, Berkeley), Andrew Warfield (University of Cambridge)
- Designing for Scale and Differentiation.
Karen Sollins (MIT LCS)
- Short Talks:
- Packet Delivery Feedback Controls for Network Endpoints: Building a True Control Layer for the Internet.
Tim Gibson (US Army / DARPA)
- A Virtual Internet Architecture.
Joe Touch (USC ISI)
Session 3: Routing
- BANANAS: An Evolutionary Framework for Explicit and Multipath Routing in the Internet.
Hema Tahilramani Kaur, Andreas Weiss, Shifalika Kanwar, Shivkumar Kalyanaraman, Ayesha Gandhi (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)
- Towards a Logic for Wide-Area Internet Routing.
Nick Feamster, Hari Balakrishnan (MIT LCS)
- NIRA: A New Internet Routing Architecture.
Xiaowei Yang (MIT LCS)
Session 4: New Techniques and Approaches
- FARA: Reorganizing the Addressing Architecture.
David Clark (MIT LCS), Robert Braden (USC ISI), Aaron Falk (USC ISI) and Venkata Pingali (USC)
- The Case for TCP/IP Puzzles
Wu-chang Feng (OGI @ OHSU)
- An End-to-End Approach to Global Scalable Programmable Networking.
Micah Beck, James S. Plank, Terry Moore (University of Tennessee)
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