Welcome to ACM SIGCOMM 2001  

The organization committee is most delighted to invite you to San Diego, CA, USA .

ACM SIGCOMM 2001 is the annual conference of the Special Interest Group on Data Communication (SIGCOMM), a vital special interest group of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). SIGCOMM 2001 is made possible with the generous support of our sponsors.

You can watch SIGCOMM 2001 LIVE!

For More Information
Rene Cruz,George Varghese (General Conference Chairs)
Geoff Voelker (Local Arrangements Chair)
UC San Diego, USA.
E-mail: {cruz, varghese, voelker} @cs.ucsd.edu
Important Dates

Paper Submission

January 26, 2001
Tutorial Proposals
February 12, 2001
Notification of Acceptance
April 23, 2001
Camera Ready Papers
June 15, 2001
Student Travel Awards Application
June 15, 2001
Student Poster Application
June 17, 2001
Student Poster Notification
July 6, 2001
Student Travel Awards Notification
July 13, 2001
Student Travel Awards Acceptance
July 20, 2001
Hotel Registration Deadline
July 23, 2001
Early Registration
August 3, 2001