Registration information

Registration Fees

Important note: All fees below do include VAT

Early registration rates: before August 14,1997

                    ACM Member   Non-Member        Student

      Conference     USD 375      USD 450          USD 110

      Tutorials      USD 300      USD 400          USD 150

Late registration rates: from August 14,1997

                    ACM Member   Non-Member        Student

      Conference     USD 420      USD 500          USD 200

      Tutorials      USD 350      USD 450          USD 200

Tutorial registration covers tutorial materials and lunch during the tutorial day. Tutorial fees above are per tutorial.

ANY conference registration covers conference attendance, conference materials, lunches during conference days, and one invitation to all events, namely the wine and cheese tasting on Monday night, the pool session on Tuesday night, and the conference banquet on Wednesday night.


Registration form

You can register for ACM SIGCOMM '97 any one of four ways:


Registrations may be cancelled up to August 15, 1997. There will be a 50 USD processing fee for refunds.

There will be no refunds after August 15, 1997.

Registration Secretary

Any question or general information request on the registration should be made at the registration secretary:

      SIGCOMM '97 Registration
      c/o Nth Degree
      490 Boston Post Road
      Sudbury MA 01776
      Fax: +1-508-440-8931
      Tel: +1-508-443-3330, ext. 1230