How to Register

NOTE: There was an error in the student fees for SIGCOMM '96. The registration forms did not have the same prices as the advance program. This has been corrected (by chosing the lowest price in every case). The on-line registration forms have been corrected to reflect the new charges. SIGCOMM apologizes for the inconvenience.

You can register for ACM SIGCOMM '96 any one of four ways:

Hotel Information

ACM SIGCOMM '96 has arranged special rates both at the Palo Alto Holiday Inn and in on-campus housing at Stanford. NOTE: The Holiday Inn is very near to selling out of rooms. Suggestions for other hotels to try are listed after the Stanford University information.

Palo Alto Holiday Inn

The Holiday Inn is located right next to the Stanford University campus by the intersection of El Camino Real and University Avenue. It is about a 15 minute walk to the buildings where the conference will be held.

The conference hotel rates are $99 (single) and $109 (double) plus tax. To book a room call the hotel at +1 415-328-2800. You must mention "Association for Computing Machinery" to get the special conference rate.

Stanford University

Rooms are available on the Stanford campus. Rooms have daily maid service on weekdays and have Ethernet connectivity to the Internet (but no phone). Bathrooms are shared. The rooms are in recently renovated dorms.

The room rates are $41 (single), $58.50 (double). Rooms must be booked by August 19th!
To book a room, contact the Stanford Conference Office at +1 (415) 725-1429.

Other Hotels

There are a number of good hotels in Palo Alto. Two, which we can recommend from experience and which as of August 7th still had some rooms available during SIGCOMM week, are:

Registration Fees

Tutorial registration covers tutorial materials, breakfast and lunch during the tutorial day. (NOTE: if SIGCOMM broadcasts the tutorials over local cable, remote sites will get tutorial materials but not meals -- sorry!).

All conference registration covers conference attendance, conference materials, breakfast and lunch (except Friday) during conference days, and one ticket to the conference social event.

Both tutorial attendees and conference attendees are invited to the conference reception on Tuesday evening.

Early Registration (By August 1st)

Tutorials: Members ($250), Non-Members ($350), Students ($140)

Conference: Members ($325), Non-Members ($425), Students ($110)

Late Registration (after August 1st)

Tutorials: Members ($300), Non-Members ($400), Students ($150)

Conference: Members ($375), Non-Members ($475), Students ($140)

Extra tickets for Social Event: $60 each.