Full conference registration includes admittance to all
sessions, Monday's evening Welcome Reception, breaks,
two lunches, one ticket for Tuesday's Dinner Banquet, and
a copy of the conference proceedings. Student
registration includes all of the above, except the Dinner Banquet.
Please fill in the form below, then mark the appropriate conference
and tutorial fees. Finally, add charges for extra tickets to the
Dinner Banquet and for extra Proceedings. Rates are quoted
in US Dollars.
Registration Form:
Telephone Number
Fax Number
Email Address
URL(WWW) Address
Name on Badge
ACM Membership #:______________________________________________
(required for ACM member rate)
Exclude my address from:
MobiCom Email list ___ Attendee Lists ____
ACM Associate Member Dues $84_____ ACM Student Dues $25_____ Membership Fees $_______
Before After 10/20/95 10/20/95 Full Day Tutorial Fee (T3) ACM Members: $275____ $325____ Non-members: $350____ $400____ Full-time students: $135____ $175____ Half Day Tutorial Fee (T1 & T2) ACM Members: $180____ $225____ Non-members: $220____ $265____ Full-time students: $100____ $125____ Conference Registration ACM Members: $295____ $345____ Non-members: $375____ $425____ Full-time students: $100____ $135____ Extra Dinner Banquet: $50_____ $50_____ Extra Proceedings: $45_____ $45_____ TOTAL FEES: $________ $_______ (Conference fees + Tutorials + Membership) Vegetarian Meals: Yes _____ No _____ ____________________________________________ Please specify any additional special needs:
Enclosed: Check ____ Money Order ____ Credit Card Type: (Only VISA or Mastercard, please) Credit Card Number:____________________________ Exp. Date:_____________________________________ Cardholder Name:_______________________________ (Exactly as printed on the card) Signature: