ACM SIGCOMM Internet Measurement Workshop 2001
1. Topology and routing
On the Marginal Utility of Network Topology Measurements.
Paul Barford, Azer Bestavros, John Byers, and Mark Crovella -- University of Wisconsin, Madison; Boston University.
Topology Modeling via Cluster Graphs.
Balachander Krishnamurthy and Jia Wang -- AT&T Labs Research, Florham Park NJ.
Towards Global Network Positioning.
T. S. Eugene Ng and Hui Zhang -- Department of Computer Science, CMU.
An Analysis of BGP Multiple Origin AS (MOAS) Conflicts.
Xiaoliang Zhao, Dan Pei, Lan Wang, Dan Massey, Allison Mankin,
S. Felix Wu, and Lixia Zhang -- North Carolina State University; UC Los Angeles; Information Sciences Institute, Marina del Rey, CA; UC Davis.
2. Passive measurements
Pop-Level and Access-Link-Level Traffic Dynamics in a Tier-1 POP.
Supratik Bhattacharyya, Christophe Diot, Jorjeta Jetcheva, and Nina Taft -- Sprint Advanced Technologies Laboratories, Burlingame CA.
Characterizing Large DNS Traces Using Graphs.
Charles D. Cranor, Emden Gansner, Balachander Krishnamurthy, and
Oliver Spatscheck -- AT&T Labs Research, Florham Park NJ.
Characteristics of Network Traffic Flow Anomalies.
Paul Barford and David Plonka -- University of Wisconsin, Madison.
New Directions in Traffic Measurement and Accounting.
Cristian Estan and George Varghese -- CAIDA, UC San Diego.
3. Traffic characterization
4. Active measurements
5. Application level performance
DNS Performance and the Effectiveness of Caching.
Jaeyeon Jung, Emil Sit, Hari Balakrishnan, and Robert Morris -- MIT Laboratory for Computer Science.
On the Use and Performance of Content Distribution Networks.
Balachander Krishnamurthy, Craig Wills, and Yin Zhang -- AT&T Labs Research, Florham Park NJ; Worcester Polytechnic Institute.
The Inktomi Climate Lab: An Integrated Environment for Analyzing and Simulating Customer Network Traffic.
Stephane Gigandet, Ashok Sudarsanam, and Anshu Aggarwal -- Inktomi Corporation, Foster City CA.
Analyzing the Browse Patterns of Mobile Clients.
Atul Adya, Paramvir Bahl, and Lili Qiu -- Microsoft Research, Redmond WA.
6. Timescales and stability
On the Constancy of Internet Path Properties.
Yin Zhang, Nick Duffield, Vern Paxson, and Scott Shenker -- AT&T Labs Research, Florham Park NJ; AT&T Center for Internet Research at ICSI, Berkeley CA.
A Non-Intrusive, Wavelet-Based Approach to Detecting Network Performance Problems.
Polly Huang, Anja Feldmann, Walter Willinger -- Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Switzerland; Computer Science Department, Universitat des Saarlandes, Saabrucken, Germany; AT&T Labs Research, Florham Park NJ.
Evidence for Long-Tailed Distributions in the Internet.
Allen B. Downey -- Computer Science Department, Wellesley College.
7. Dealing with high speed links and other measurement challenges
Charging from Sampled Network Usage.
Nick Duffield, Carsten Lund, and Mikkel Thorup -- AT&T Labs Research, Florham Park NJ.
A Method to Compress and Anonymize Packet Traces.
Markus Peuhkuri -- Helsinki University of Technology, Networking Laboratory, Espoo, Finland.
On the Design and Performance of Prefix-Preserving IP Traffic Trace Anonymization.
Jun Xu, Jinliang Fan, Mostafa Ammar, and Sue B. Moon -- College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology; Sprint Advanced Technologies Laboratories, Burlingame CA.
Monitoring Very High Speed Links.
Gianluca Iannaccone, Christophe Diot, Ian Graham, Nick McKeown -- Sprint Advanced Technologies Laboratories, Burlingame CA; University of Waikato; Stanford University.
Timestamping Network Packets.
Jorg Micheel, Stephen Donnelly, and Ian Graham -- WAND, Computer Science, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand; NLANR MOAT, SDSC, UC San Diego.
8. Video