December 6–9, 2011
The University of Tokyo
Tokyo, Japan

Camera Ready Guidelines

Authors are required to adhere to the following guidelines when preparing their submission:

  1. Camera-ready submissions should be in two-column format, with 10pt font.

  2. Submissions must meet the page length limit associated with the main Conference or collocated Workshop, in 10 point Times Roman (or equivalent font). This length includes all content: figures, tables, references, appendices and so forth.

    CoNEXT Conference12 pages
    Student Workshop2 pages
    IoTSP Workshop8 pages
    SWID Workshop10 pages

  3. Submissions MUST follow ACM guidelines: double column, with each column 9.25” by 3.33”, with 0.33” space between columns.

  4. You are strongly encouraged to use the modified 10pt ACM SIG-alternate latex template.

    CoNEXT Conference ACM SIG-alternate latex template.
    Student Workshop ACM SIG-alternate latex template.
    IoTSP Workshop ACM SIG-alternate latex template.
    SWID Workshop ACM SIG-alternate latex template.

    The above latex templates include the required ACM copyright strip that should be present on the paper's front page at the bottom of the left column:

    “Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise, to republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee.”
    This should be followed by the appropriate Copyright strip:

    CoNEXT Conference: Copyright 2011 ACM 978-1-4503-1041-3/11/0012 …$10.00.
    Student Workshop: Copyright 2011 ACM 978-1-4503-1042-0/11/0012 …$10.00.
    IoTSP Workshop: Copyright 2011 ACM 978-1-4503-1043-7/11/0012 …$10.00.
    SWID Workshop: Copyright 2011 ACM 978-1-4503-1044-4/11/0012 …$10.00.

  5. Provide an abstract of fewer than 200 words.

  6. The paper MUST be submitted in PDF format. We must be able to display and print your submission exactly as we receive it, using only standard tools (Adobe Acrobat Reader), without having to load special fonts.

  7. Ensure that the paper prints well on black-and-white printers, not color printers (especially or plots and graphs), and that symbols and labels used in the graphs are readable when printed.

  8. Ensure that the output has been formatted for printing on LETTER-sized paper (8.5” by 11”).

  9. Try to limit the file size to less than 15 MB.

  10. The lead authors of accepted papers will need to sign the ACM copyright release form, available here. The final camera ready paper and an electronic copy of the signed copyright form should be uploaded to EDAS by 31th October, 2011.

  11. The papers must NOT have any page numbers.

Please note that failure to comply with any of these requirements will prevent your paper from appearing in the conference proceedings.