



Proceedings of


2007 ACM CoNEXT Conference


Columbia University

New York, NY

December 10-13, 2007


3rd International Conference on

emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies

















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General Chairs’ Message


It’s a great pleasure to welcome everyone to ACM CoNEXT 2007 - the 3rd International Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT).  With the first two CoNEXT conferences having been held in Toulouse and Lisbon and being founded as a merger of four existing EU workshops, CoNEXT has its roots in Europe. However, this year’s CoNEXT is being held on the campus of Columbia University in beautiful and exciting New York City – a locale that rivals the finest cities in Europe, and which emphasizes the global nature of both CoNEXT and our networking research community.   We hope that this conference facilitates a stimulating exchange of ideas among many of the members of our international research community.


CoNEXT 2007 has been made possible only through the hard work of many people. Olivier Bonaventure and Roch Guérin assembled an absolutely outstanding technical program committee that reviewed submitted papers and selected the final program.  A huge debt of thanks is due to our program committee members and external reviewers for helping to assemble such a strong technical program. Suman Banerjee, Roger Karrer, and Ashwin Sridharan and their Student Workshop Program Committee did a wonderful job of organizing the student workshop, which has had a special place in CoNEXT. Laurent Mathy did a splendid job of handling the CoNEXT Rising Star Award. Two local networking researchers, Erich Nahum and Lakshmi Subramanian, ably handled aspects of local arrangements and publications, respectively. Warms thanks also to S. Keshav for organizing the panel session on the afternoon of the second conference day. Finally, a great deal of thanks and appreciation are also due to ACM SIGCOMM - this is the first CoNEXT to be sponsored by ACM, and this has only come to pass because of the help and support of SIGCOMM leadership.

We are also very grateful to our sponsors: Cisco, Thomson, Alcatel-Lucent, IBM, and IMDEA. Their generosity, together with a grant provided by the National Science Foundation, has funded travel awards and support for our student workshop, and has helped keep the costs of CoNEXT moderate. Special thanks are due to Cisco and Thomson for their continuing support of CoNEXT, and a “Welcome aboard’ to Alcatel-Lucent, IBM, and IMDEA!

Welcome again to CoNEXT and to New York City!  We hope you find CoNEXT a stimulating and exciting conference


Jim Kurose, University of Massachusetts

Henning Schulzrinne, Columbia University

General Co-Chairs, 2007 ACM CoNEXT



Program Chairs’ Message


After Toulouse in 2005 and Lisbon in 2006, the 2007 edition of the Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT) has crossed the Atlantic Ocean to be held in New York, NY, USA.

This year, 138 high quality papers were submitted to the conference. We received papers written by authors from 29 different countries and covering a broad and diverse set of topics. Given the high quality of the submissions, selecting a program was both easy and challenging, as we had a plethora of worthy candidates but could not accept them all.  The selection process was extensive and thorough and proceeded in three rounds during which all papers received at least three reviews, and often more.

The first round of the review process took place over the summer shortly after the submission deadline, at which time three TPC members were assigned to each paper.  As one of CoNEXT's major objectives is to provide fair and accurate evaluations, TPC members were asked to review papers themselves (no delegation was allowed) and encouraged to provide detailed feedback to the authors. Each review was then cross-checked by the program chairs and a “sanity checker”, who was a TPC member not among the original reviewers.  The sanity check quickly assessed reviews for fairness and completeness.  Based on the evaluations produced by this first round, the Program Chairs selected 84 papers for the second round that started in early September.

During the second round, the TPC members assigned to each paper read the other reviewer's opinions and debated the relative merits of the paper. The outcome of this discussion was either a unanimous recommendation on how to classify the paper in preparation for the TPC meeting, or a disagreement in which case additional reviews were requested inside and outside the TPC.  Papers for which agreement could be reached were assigned to one of three categories: “accept”, “discuss”, and “reject”.  Papers for which no agreement was reached were assigned to the “discuss” category pending the completion of the additional reviews that were requested.  The bulk of the papers landed in the “discuss” category, with only a handful of papers accepted up-front, and the remainder of the papers being viewed as not yet ready for publication.

The third round of the selection process was the TPC meeting itself, which was held in Philadelphia with TPC members either physically present in the room or participating through audio-conference. The bulk of the meeting was spent individually evaluating papers in the “discuss” category and ranking them as either above or below an “accept” threshold based on the calibration that emerged from the discussion phase.  At the end of the day, we had identified 28 high quality papers that were selected for presentation at CoNEXT’07. The papers in the conference proceedings have been revised by the authors to account for the reviewers’ comments and suggestions.  The papers are organized in eight sessions that illustrate the breadth of topics that currently make up the field of networking, with not only papers on wireless, mesh, ad hoc and delay tolerant networks, but also papers proposing new architecture or techniques to better engineer or model networks and improve communication efficiency.  In addition, the ever-present aspect of security, resiliency and economical issues also found their place in the program.

The CoNEXT’07 best paper award goes to the paper entitled “The Diameter of Opportunistic Mobile Networks,” co-authored by A. Chaintreau, A. Mtibaa, L. Massoulie, and C. Diot from Thomson Paris Research Lab.  The paper was unanimously selected from a highly competitive field by a committee consisting of three TPC members, who praised its combination of analysis and experimental validation.

As in 2006, CoNEXT’07 also awarded the “CoNEXT rising star award”, which this year goes to Ion Stoica from the University of California at Berkeley.  Ion was selected in recognition for outstanding research contributions early in his career on advances in Internet architecture, overlay networks and practical distributed systems.  Ion will be giving the CoNEXT keynote talk in the first session of the conference.  Please join us in congratulating Ion for this remarkable achievement.

In addition to the technical program, Suman Banerjee, Roger Karrer and Ashwin Sridharan have organized a wonderful workshop for students.  It also attracted a record number of submissions, which both illustrates the high level of current interest in the field and bodes well for its future.

In parallel to the official CoNEXT TPC, Laurent Mathy, Philippe Owezarski and Olivier Bonaventure organized a purely educational shadow TCP whose objective was to allow young Ph.D. graduates to have an inside view into the paper selection process of a major conference. 78 of the papers submitted to CoNEXT received additional feedback from the 35 participants in the shadow TPC, who although coming primarily from Europe, also included members from USA and Asia.

Last but not least, we would like to thank and acknowledge the many individuals whose help and hard work made CoNEXT’07 possible, and in particular the two general chairs of the conference, Henning Schulzrinne and Jim Kurose, who oversaw all the details of its organization.

We hope you will enjoy your stay in New York as well as CoNEXT’07 exciting technical program, and take full advantage of all the “networking” opportunities the conference has to offer.


Olivier Bonaventure, Université catholique de Louvain

Roch Guérin, University of Pennsylvania

Program co-Chairs, 2007 ACM CoNEXT


Conference Organization


Conference Chairs

  • Jim Kurose, University of Massachusetts, USA
  • Henning Schulzrinne, Columbia University, USA

Program Chairs

  • Olivier Bonaventure, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
  • Roch Guérin, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Local Arrangements Chair

Erich Nahum, IBM Research, USA

Publications Chair

Lakshmi Subramanian, New York University, USA

Steering Committee

  • Arturo Azcorra, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
  • Serge Fdida, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France
  • Jim Kurose, University of Massachusetts, USA
  • Laurent Mathy, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
  • Jennifer Rexford, Princeton University, USA
  • Giorgio Ventre, University of Napoli, Italy


Technical Program Committee


Kevin Almeroth, University of California at Santa Barbara, USA

Mostafa Ammar, Georgia Institute of Technology, US A

Christian Bettstetter, University of Klagenfurt, Austria

Augustin Chaintreau, Thomson, France

Dah Ming Chiu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong-Kong

Marco Conti, IIT-CNR, Italy

Mark Crovella, Boston University, USA

Kevin Fall, Intel Research, USA

Nick Feamster, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Hannes Frey, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark

Lixin Gao, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA

Timothy Griffin, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Matthias Grossglauser, Nokia Research Center, Finland

Mark Handley, University College London, United Kingdom

Peter Key, Microsoft Research, , United Kingdom

Lars-Åke Larzon, Uppsala University, Sweden

Guy Leduc, University of Liege, Belgium

Bo Li, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China

Ibrahim Matta, Boston University, USA

Martin May, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Paulo Mendes, INESC-Porto, Portugal

Edmundo Monteiro, University of Coimbra, Portugal

Andrew Moore, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom

Richard Mortier, Microsoft Research, , United Kingdom

Ariel Orda, Technion, Israel

Joerg Ott, Helsinki University of Technology, Finland

Max Ott, NICTA, Australia

Jitendra Padhye, Microsoft Research, USA

George Polyzos, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

Rajeev Rastogi, Bell Labs, Lucent Technologies, USA

Narasimha Reddy, Texas A & M University, USA

Pablo Rodriguez, Telefonica Research, Spain

Anees Shaikh, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA

Rajeev Shorey, General Motors Research, India

Rute Sofia, INESC Porto, Portugal

Ashwin Sridharan, Sprint ATL, USA

Vikram Srinivasan, National University of Singapore, Singapore

Ralf Steinmetz, Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany

Shu Tao, IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA

Joe Touch, USC/ISI, USA

Steve Uhlig, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands

Darryl Veitch, University of Melbourne, Australia

Andras Veres, Ericsson Research, Hungary

Ryuji Wakikawa, Keio University, Japan

Lars Wolf, Technische Universität Braunschweig, IBR, Germany

Xiaowei Yang, University of California at Irvine, USA

Zhi-Li Zhang, University of Minnesota, USA


External Reviewers


Gildas Avoine

Razvan Cristescu

Christos Gkantsidis

Michael Gyarmati

Youki Kadobayashi

Srinivasan Keshav

Kin-Wah Kwong

Jean-Francois Labourdette

Ratul Mahajan

Laurent Mathy

Jean-Jacques Quisquater

James Roberts

Udo Schilcher

Patrick Thiran

Damon Wischik

Fan Ye


CoNext 2007 Table of Contents




1.      A Hybrid Finite Automaton for Practical Deep Packet Inspection

Michela Becchi (Washington University in St. Louis, USA); Patrick Crowley (Washington University in St. Louis, USA)


2.      Detecting Worm Variants using Machine Learning

Oliver Sharma (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom); Joseph Sventek (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom); Mark Girolami (University of Glasgow, United Kingdom)


3.      Practical Defenses Against BGP Prefix Hijacking

Zheng Zhang (Purdue University, USA); Ying Zhang (University of Michigan, USA); Y. Charlie Hu (Purdue University, USA); Z. Morley Mao (University of Michigan, USA)


4.      Identifying Dynamic IP Address Blocks Serendipitously through Background Scanning Traffic

Yu Jin (University of Minnesota, USA); Esam Sharafuddin (University of Minnesota, USA); Zhi-Li Zhang (University of Minnesota, USA)


New Architectures and their Evaluation


5.      Modeling the Adoption of New Network Architectures

Dilip Joseph (University C. Berkeley, USA); Nikhil Shetty (University of California at Berkeley, USA); John Chuang (University of California at Berkeley, USA); Ion Stoica (University Of California, Berkeley, USA)


6.      Internet Economics: The use of Shapley value for ISP settlement

Richard Ma (Columbia University, USA); Dah Ming Chiu (The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong); 0,1 Lui (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong); Vishal Misra (Columbia University, USA); Dan Rubenstein (Columbia University, USA)


7.      On the Cost of Caching Locator/ID Mappings

Luigi Iannone (Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium); Olivier Bonaventure (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium)


Improving Communication Efficiency


8.      ER: Efficient Retransmission Scheme for Wireless LANs

Eric Rozner (University of Texas, Austin, USA); Anand Padmanabha Iyer (The University of Texas at Austin, USA); Yogita Mehta (University of Texas, Austin, USA); Lili Qiu (The University of Texas at Austin, USA)


9.      Near-Optimal Co-ordinated Coding in Wireless Multihop Networks

Björn Scheuermann (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany); Wenjun Hu (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom); Jon Crowcroft (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom)


10.  Multipath Code Casting for Wireless Mesh Networks

Christos Gkantsidis (Microsoft Research, United Kingdom); Wenjun Hu (University of Cambridge, United Kingdom); Peter Key (Microsoft Research, United Kingdom); Bozidar Radunovic (Microsoft Research Cambridge, United Kingdom); Steluta Gheorghiu (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain); Pablo Rodriguez (Telefonica Research, Barcelona, Spain)


11.  Multipath Live Streaming via TCP: Scheme, Performance and Benefits

Bing Wang (University of Connecticut, USA); Wei Wei (University of Massachusetts, USA); Don Towsley (University of Massachusetts at Amherst, USA)


Delay Tolerant Networks


12.  The Diameter of Opportunistic Mobile Networks

Augustin Chaintreau (Thomson, France); Abderrahmen Mtibaa (Thomson Paris Research Lab, France); Laurent Massoulie (Thomson Paris Research Lab, France); Christophe Diot (Thomson, France)


13.  Fair and Efficient Scheduling in Data Ferrying Networks

Shimin Guo (University of Waterloo, Canada); Srinivasan Keshav (University of Waterloo, Canada)


14.  Otiy: Locators tracking nodes

Mathias Boc (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6, France); Anne Fladenmuller (University Paris 6 - LIP6, France); Marcelo Dias de Amorim (Universite Pierre et Marie Curie - Paris 6, France)


Network Engineering, Monitoring, and Modeling


15.  Router Buffer Sizing Revisited: The Role of the Output/Input Capacity Ratio

Ravi Prasad (Georgia Tech, USA); Constantinos Dovrolis (Georgia Tech, USA); Marina Thottan (Bell Labs, USA)


16.  Improving Service Differentiation in IP Networks through Dual Topology Routing

Kin-Wah Kwong (University of Pennsylvania, USA); Roch Guerin (University of Pennsylvania, USA); Anees Shaikh (IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA); Shu Tao (IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA)


17.  Rethinking Internet Traffic Management: From Multiple Decompositions to a Practical Protocol

Jiayue He (Princeton University, USA); Martin Suchara (Princeton University, USA); Ma'ayan Bresler (UC Berkeley, USA); Mung Chiang (Princeton University, USA); Jennifer Rexford (Princeton University, USA)


18.  NetDiagnoser: Troubleshooting network unreachabilities using end-to-end probes and routing data

Amogh Dhamdhere (Georgia Tech, USA); Renata Teixeira (CNRS and Université Pierre et Marie Curie, France); Constantinos Dovrolis (Georgia Tech, USA); Christophe Diot (Thomson, France)


Mesh Networks


19.  Joint MAC-aware Routing and Load Balancing in Mesh Networks

Vivek Mhatre (Thomson, France); Francois Baccelli (INRIA-ENS, France); Henrik Lundgren (Thomson Research, France); Christophe Diot (Thomson, France)


20.  Scalable Real-Time Gateway Assignment in Mobile Mesh Networks

Edward Bortnikov (The Technion, Israel Institute of Technology, Israel); Israel Cidon (Technion, Israel); Idit Keidar (Technion, Israel)


21.  Practical Service Provisioning for Wireless Meshes

Saumitra Das (Purdue University, West Lafayette, USA); Dimitrios Koutsonikolas (Purdue University, USA); Y. Charlie Hu (Purdue University, USA)



Wireless and Ad Hoc Networks


22.  An Energy-conscious Transport Protocol for Multi-Hop Wireless Networks

Niky Riga (Boston University, USA); Ibrahim Matta (Boston University, USA); Alberto Medina (BBN, USA); Craig Partridge (BBN Technologies, USA); Jason Redi (BBN Technologies, USA)


23.  Backpressure Multicast Congestion Control in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

Björn Scheuermann (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany); Matthias Transier (University of Mannheim, Germany); Christian Lochert (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany); Martin Mauve (Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf, Germany); Wolfgang Effelsberg (University of Mannheim, Germany)


24.  Experience with an Implementation of the Idle Sense Wireless Access Method

Yan Grunenberger (Grenoble Informatics Laboratory, France); Martin Heusse (Grenoble Informatics Laboratory, France); Franck Rousseau (Grenoble Informatics Laboratory, France); Andrzej Duda (Grenoble Informatics Laboratory, France)




25.  Internet Routing Resilience to Failures: Analysis and Implications

Jian Wu (University of Michigan, USA); Ying Zhang (University of Michigan, USA); Z. Morley Mao (University of Michigan, USA); Kang G. Shin (University of Michigan, USA)


26.  On Improving the Efficiency and Manageability of NotVia

Ang Li (University of California, Irvine, USA); Pierre Francois (Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium); Xiaowei Yang (University of California at Irvine, USA)


27.  Proactive Replication in Distributed Storage Systems Using Machine Availability Estimation

Alessandro Duminuco (Institut EURECOM, France); Ernst Biersack (Institut EURECOM, France); Taoufik En-Najjary (Institut Eurecom, France)


28.  Building a Reliable P2P System Out of Unreliable P2P Clients: the Case of KAD

Damiano Carra (Institut Eurecom, France); Ernst Biersack (Institut EURECOM, France)





CoNext Student Workshop Table of Contents



1.      Promoting Fluidity in the Flow of Packets of 802.11 Wireless Mesh Networks          

Adel Aziz; Roger Karrer; Patrick Thiran


2.      Fairness Enhancement in Wireless Mesh Networks                                                    

Salim Nahle; Naceur Malouch


3.      Towards the Realization of a Mobile Grid                                                      

Konstantinos Katsaros; George Polyzos


4.      Do you know what you are generating?                                                                      

Antonio Pescape'; Alessio Botta; Alberto Dainotti


5.      The BlueGame Project:  Ad-hoc Multilayer Mobile Game with Social Dimension      

Roman Spanek; Premsyl Kovar; Pavel Pirkl


6.      Reproducing Opportunistic Connectivity Traces Using Connectivity Models

Thabotharan Kathiravelu and Arnold Pears


7.      An AS-level IP Traceback System                                                                  

André Castelucio; Ronaldo Salles; Artur Ziviani


8.      BonSwing: A GUI Framework for Ad-Hoc Applications Using Service Discovery    

Suman Srinivasan; Henning Schulzrinne


9.      A Quicker Way to Discover Nearby Peers                                                                  

Gwendal Simon; Yiping CHEN; Ali Boudani; Gilles Straub


10.  Molecular Architecture for Autonomic Wireless Mesh Networks                               

Mohammad Nassiri; Fabrice Theoleyre; Martin Heusse; Andrzej Duda


11.  Measuring P2P IPTV Traffic on Both Sides of the World                                           

Thomas Silverston; Olivier Fourmaux; Kave Salamatian; Kenjiro Cho


12.  Replacing Channel Scanning with Multiple Authentication for Fast Handoff in  IEEE 802.11 Wireless Networks

Jaeouk Ok; Pedro Morales; Hiroyuki Morikawa


13.  Automating the iBGP organization in large IP networks                                              

Virginie Van den Schriek


14.  Can Active Tracking of Inroamer Location Optimise a Live GSM Network?             

Katerina Dufková; Jirí Danihelka; Michal Ficek; Ivan Gregor; Jan Kouba


15.  Towards next generation network requirements for next generation gaming   

Alberto Hernandez; Enrique Vazquez; Carolina Garcia


16.  Multiplexing BGP Sessions with BGP-Mux                                                                

Vytautas Valancius; Nick Feamster


17.  Implementation and Preliminary Evaluation of an ISP-Driven Informed Path  Selection                    

Damien Saucez;  Benoit Donnet ; Olivier Bonaventure


18.  Resource-Efficient Software Delivery Using Volunteer Assistance                

Purvi Shah; Jehan-Francois Paris ; Miranda Mowbray


19.  Can we reduce Wi-Fi Energy Consumption during VoIP Calls?                                  

Vinod Namboodiri; Lixin Gao


20.  Probabilistic Inference of Lossy Links Using End-to-End Data in Sensor Networks   

Wei Zeng; Bing Wang; Krishna Pattipati;


21.  Folksonomy-based Reasoning in Opportunistic Networks                                          

Nishanth Sastry


22.  Capture-Aware Staggering for Concurrent Transmissions                                           

Naveen Kumar Santhapuri; Srihari Nelakuditi; Romit Roy Choudhury


23.  Extending Web Browsers Architectures to support HTTP Session Mobility                

Michael Adeyeye; Neco Ventura


24.  Securing BGP Incrementally                                                                           

Martin Suchara; Ioannis Avramopoulos; Jennifer Rexford


25.  SWARM: Self Organization of Community Wireless Mesh Networks            

Saumitra Das; Konstantina Papagiannaki; Suman Banerjee; Y.C. Tay


26.  Fairer TCP-Friendly Congestion Control Protocol for Multimedia Streaming  Applications    

Soo-Hyun Choi; Mark Handley


27.  A secure role-based address allocation and distribution mechanism               

Damien Leroy; Olivier Bonaventure


28.  Characterizing Quality of Content Distribution from YouTube like Portals    

Anirban Banerjee; Dhiman Barman


29.  Towards a Clustering Based Data Diffusion Protocol In Delay Tolerant Networks     

Sana Tmar; Eric Fleury


30.  Origin of route explosion in Virtual Private Networks                                                

Zied Ben-Houidi; Renata Teixeira; Marc Capelle


31.  Characterizing network events and their impact on routing                             
Geneviève Amélie Medem Kuatse; Renata Teixeira; Michael Meulle


32.  A gateway for wireless broadcasting                                                               

Kristjan Jonsson; Olafur Helgason; Gunnar Karlsson


33.  A Next Generation Internet Architecture for Mobility and Multi-homing Support      

Walter Wong; Fábio Verdi; Maurício Magalhães


34.  A Novel Approach for Creating Trust to Reduce Malicious Behavior in MANET      

Syed Rizvi; Saroj Poudyal; Varsha Edla; Ravi Nepal


35.  Daily Walks In Paris: A Practical Analysis of Wi-Fi Access Points                 

Guillaume Valadon; Florian Le Goff; Christophe Berger


36.  Exploring the Routing Complexity of Mobile Multicast - A Semi-empirical Study     

Matthias Wählisch; Thomas Schmidt


37.  Experimenting with Real-life Opportunistic Communications using Windows Mobile Devices          

Anna-Kaisa Pietiläinen; Christophe Diot


38.  A Networked Virtual Environment over KAD                                                            

Matteo Varvello; Ernst Biersack; Christophe Diot


39.  Identifying statistically anomalous regions in time series of network traffic   

Fernando Silveira; Christophe Diot


40.  Bootstrapping Large-scale DHT Networks                                                                  

Jae Lee; Henning Schulzrinne; Wolfgang Kellerer; Zoran Despotovic


41.  Is Your IP Address Prefix Well-Served by Internet Routing?                          

Yibo Wang; Jun Li


42.  Energy-Efficient MAC and Routing Design in Distributed Beamforming Sensor Networks    

Dimitrios Koutsonikolas; Ali Jafri; Y. Charlie Hu


43.  Robust Routing in Networks With Time-Varying Links                                             

Victoria Manfredi


44.  A cross-layer load-independent link cost metric for Wireless Mesh Networks            

Marianna Carrera; Henrik Lundgren; Theodoros Salonidis; Christophe Diot


45.  Enabling Seamless Internet Mobility                                                               

Gregor Maier; Wolfgang Mühlbauer; Yevgen Rogoza; Anja Feldmann


46.  mod_kaPoW: Mitigating DoS with Transparent Proof-of-Work                                  

Ed Kaiser; Wu-chang Feng


47.  Application and Desktop Sharing                                                                   

Omer Boyaci; Henning Schulzrinne


48.  Enabling Session Initiation in the Presence of Middleboxes                           

Sergio Lembo; Jani Heikkinen


49.  A Next Generation Internet State Management Framework                                        

Xin Huang; Tilman Wolf


50.  Understanding the Effect of P2P Overlay On the AS-Level Underlay                        

Amir Hassan Rasti Ekbatani; Reza Rejaie; Walter Willinger