3rd Annual
CoNEXT Conference
Columbia University
New York, NY
December 10-13, 2007

Changing Internetworking Paradigms

Sponsored by ACM Sigcomm

Student Workshop

Call For Papers

The CoNEXT 2007 Student Workshop, following in the footsteps of the well-received CoNEXT'06 Student Workshop, aims to provide a platform for graduate students in the areas of computer networks and data communication to publicize their ongoing research work through posters, obtain feedback and learn what problems are being tackled by fellow students. More importantly, it also provides a venue for them to "network" with their peers and established network researchers, obtain valuable guidance and tips in the form of informative panels and participate in a forum designed specifically to benefit graduate students.

We invite submission of 1-2 page abstracts from graduate students worldwide describing their ongoing research work for potential presentation at the CoNEXT 2007 Student Workshop (please see the CoNEXT 2007 CFP for a list of topics). As always, research work that addressses non-standard or controversial problems and approaches are particularly encouraged, even if they are only in a nascent stage. Please use the standard ACM format (single spaced, double column, at least 10 pt) for composition of the abstracts (see below for further instructions). Selected abstracts will appear in the CoNEXT 2007 proceedings and the related posters displayed in the workshop program.

Please e-mail any of the student workshop program chairs (listed below) in case of questions or clarifications.

Student Travel Grants

Several student travel grants, courtesy of NSF, Cisco and Thomson, will be provided to help support selected graduate students to attend the CoNEXT 2007 workshop and conference in New York.

Submission Site

You can register and submit your paper until October 1, 2007, 5 pm EDT.

Formatting Guidelines

Please follow the CoNEXT 2007 guidelines EXCEPT for the following two differences:

  • Paper is limited to TWO (2) pages only. This includes ALL figures, tables, appendices, etc.
  • Please provide only author name and affiliation; it is not necessary to add PAPER ID and number of pages.

CoNEXT will provide 40x32 inch poster boards and easels. Authors are responsible for printing and mounting their own posters.

Important Dates

Submission Date:
October 1, 2007 (5 pm EDT) -- hard deadline
Acceptance Notification:
October 19, 2007
Final Camera Ready Copy Due
October 26, 2007

Student Workshop Chairs

Suman Banerjee (suman at cs dot wisc dot edu)
Roger Karrer (Roger dot Karrer at telekom do de)
Ashwin Sridharan (Ashwin dot Sridharan at Sprint dot com)

Program Committee

Hao Chen, University of California, Davis
Jon Crowcroft, University of Cambridge
Serge Fdida, LIP6
Polly Huang, National Taiwan University
Sharad Jaiswal, Bell Labs Research, India
Bhaskar Krishnamachari, University of Southern California
Jim Kurose, Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst
Aleksandar Kuzmanovic, Northwestern University
Sue Moon, KAIST, South Korea
Sridhar Machiraju, Sprint Applied Research
Eugene Ng, Rice University
Konstantina Papagiannaki, Intel Research
Antonio Pescape, University of Naples
Mukund Seshadri, Sprint Applied Research
Renata Teixeira, LIP6
Milan Vojnovic, Microsoft Research

Program Agenda

See agenda.

Corporate Supporters